The southernmost town in Europe, lapped by two seas and open to all civilisations since the dawn of time. It began to take shape with the construction of the 10th-century castle in the time of Abderraman III. The urban layout and narrow, winding streets of the period are still in evidence today.
There are nearly 38 kilometers of beaches in the municipal area, most consisting of fine, shallow sands, the highlight of which is Los Lances, declared a Beauty Spot, a veritable complex of beaches, dunes, pine forests and mud flats. Further inland, part of the town belongs to Los Alcornocales Natural Park. Also within the town boundary is Bolonia Cove, a place of great beauty and the site of the ruins of Baelo Claudia.
There aren’t many European destinations from which you can take a day trip to another continent; but Tarifa occupies the southernmost point of Continental Europe and is just a 35-minute ferry ride from Tangier. Packed with artists and spies from all over the world throughout the early 20th century, this fascinating city is well worth spending a day or two in.